Thursday, January 25, 2007

on the cut

Today, in connection with work, I met and listened to two people talk about living on canal narrow boats. It was very interesting, and they were at pains to point out that the 'liveaboard' lifestyle is not as idyllic as portrayed by the ITV Waterworld programme.

Many people buy boats to live on, mistakenly assuming that it will be easy and restful. Those who rescind the lifestyle are described as going "back to brick", a delightful phrase.


tone the blueshawk said...

I had several canal holidays during the 70s and really enjoyed them - even the time when I rode my bike into the canal - but I don't think I fancy living on a canal boat in winter, bbrrrrr... txxx

emma said...

I have a bit of a romanitic notion about living on a boat. I must admit though, I would take a lot to get over the fear of sinking. I'd probably wear a life jacket to bed. Sounds like you're having some fun Alec!

chris164 said...

living on a canal boat sounds like a really good life. Sure it'd be hard work at times, but for those moments of piece on the water. I'm sure most people would work hours just for a few minutes of bliss, well i would.