Sunday, January 07, 2007

who will buy my sweet red roses?

It may be a luxury, but we bought some flowers being sold off cheaply yesterday at the supermarket - some yellow tulips, some yellow and pinky-orange tulips and some fluted carnations with mauve tips on the lightest pink stalks.

They really cheer the place up on these dark, damp days. As a result, we're planning to grow flowers on part of our allotment this year.


tone the blueshawk said...

we had miniature daffodils all through xmas (got them growing in pots on the plant stall outside woolies) - the flowers didn't last all that long, but they were beautiful and cheering while they did - Txxx

purkul said...


flowers are brill!!!! i hardly ever get them though, cuz i never get bought them, and begrudge buying them myself! & when i do treat myself i suffer for my indulgence cuz i get hey fever!!!

but they are pretty so i forgive them! :-) my fav's are the big bright daisy's i think they are called gerbras or something like that. I recommend them 4 brightners up!

i think you may have inspired me to treat myself 2 a couple!


Domenica said...

I love flowers and plants, in fact I love all of nature. I don't consider buying flowers a luxury, I think the rewards far outway the cost.

Just Me said...

We always have flowers in the house. Even in the summer. I have to be careful which ones I have though as heavy scents can really play havoc with my eyes; I don't think I'm so much allergic as sensitive to the pollen in scented flowers. We used to have hyacinths growing in pots during the early spring but they've been relegated to outside because of the same problem. However, we've grown some Amaryllis this year and they have been fab. they make a welcome addition on these grey days, don't they?