Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Today, for the first time, I splashed paint around on large sheets of paper, using a large brush. They were the first pages of my new spiral-bound book, and it was a surprisingly exhilirating experience.

I've been quite timid and apprehensive in the past about colour and large paper, so I decided it was high time I get on with breaking through that barrier and just do it.

I've no idea what I'll use the sheets for. Two of them form a double page spread, though I applied the paint in different ways so they don't match. I also painted some smaller sheets that I'll stick into the book at some stage. Some, I suspect, will be backgrounds for other things, but some might be sufficient in themselves.


Domenica said...


Reading your post took me back,(way back)to my time at Art College, and has prompted me to get in touch with MY creative side more often in future. Thank you x

Just Me said...

I haven't had fun with paints in a long time. I think I may have to go and hunt out the paints and see what I come up with

purkul said...


gr8 stuff, love art generally b honest.

but don't get and do sum nearly often enough!

u inspired me to get sum flowers the other week, ya never no alec ya might just av been the inspiration to get me back to the old paintbrushes!

i'll keep ya posted!



tone the blueshawk said...

my efforts with painting and drawing have always disappointed me - I just haven't got the hand/eye co-ordination (perhaps I mean confidence) to like what I've done. What you've done sounds like a lot of fun - perhaps the results could form the starting point of an animation? Txxx