Saturday, December 16, 2006

there's a first time for everything

Well, I was going to start summarising the events of the last few non-bloggagable days (yes, it's a typo, but I quite like it, so I'm keeping it), but somehow it doesn't seem worth it now. It's all merged into the past, which in a way is a shame because lots of interesting stuff happened, but hey, I'm sure lots more will happen too.

Today I'm introducing the "what I've done today for the very first time" slot. Chris Evans gets people to phone in to his Radio 2 show (just how have they managed over the last few years to get rid of that station's terrible image?) to tell the nation what new achievements they've managed that day, big or small, and it seems like a good idea to me. It certainly won't feature in every blogpost, and probably not every week - merely now and again.

So, today, for the first time, I used a power sander. What a strange feeling in your hands and arms! It's like they're much thicker and less sensitive, and the feeling continues for a while afterwards.

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