Thursday, December 14, 2006

i'm back

You probably couldn't distinguish it from other gaps round here, but my most recent lack of posts was caused by a non-functioning telephone connection at home. A little carelessness while sanding woodwork near the junction box.

Not mine, I add, and since only one other person lives in this house, you might construe that as pointing the finger. My denial is not because I'm trying to shift the blame, though. I just don't want to claim credit for doing more decorating than I do. I'm not normally handy with a screwdriver, but reconnecting the broken wire was straightforward.

I'm surprised just how remote I felt while incommunicado, and annoyingly there seemed to be a lot to blog about. I might condense it into a couple of posts over the next few days.

1 comment:

emma said...

Very good to have you back Alec - I've missed your blogs. The thought of cutting through any cable with anything that moves in measurements of rpm scares me somewhat. Thank goodness it was just a telephone wire!