Friday, December 08, 2006

the sound of music

We received a large boxful of music CDs at work today. Each one has several versions of compositions that you can use on a soundtrack when producing films. The CDs have titles like 'Ambient in the Heartland 2', 'Planet of the Breaks' and 'Noisekraft'.

Each track is described in fruity terms like (and I quote): "unusal trombone with 'cold' (cough, sneeze and catarrh) SFX".

Unfortunately, that particular track really did have coughs and sneezes used as samples.

I'm not sure if we'll ever actually use any of this, especially since it's not licence-free as we'd been led to believe, but it added to the Friday afternoon atmosphere today.


purkul said...

hya alec,

i think you should use it as an alternative xmas album. right at the pinicle of the xmas doo put a bit of the old unusual trombone with cold on - trust me it'll rock the house!!!


tone the blueshawk said...

The catargh-based one sounds great - it's a shame it's not licence-free - you could have treated us to seasonal sound-clip. Txxx