Sunday, June 03, 2007

entropy, entropy, they've all got it entropy

Yesterday I saw a road sign to a 'Classic Car Show & Autojumble'. I think many of my belongings must be autojumble, because I leave them alone for a while and they turn themselves into tangled junk.


emma said...

Mine do that too Alec!

klahanie said...

Hi Alec-
You have reminded me of some of the great mysteries of life.
Missing socks..just where do they go? Also, in my case, anyway, missing pens and combs. (although, the missing comb situation is not much of a problem as I get older.)
Kind regards adanac67.

Anonymous said...

You are creating art. Remember this fact!

purkul said...

hya alec,

sorry i havn't been in touch 4 a wee bit, been ever so busy with one thing and another!

ya didn't half make me laught the other day with the comment you left me on me Rocky Horror Show post. i'll look out for you the next time its on!! ha ha!

with reference to your last post though, thats the prob with comps and that in't it!!!

you think ya got them sorted then something crops up to show you otherwise!
